Monthly Roundup: February

What's happening at SPS in February? Take a look inside to find out!

We're trying something new -- a monthly roundup to give you a bird's eye view of what's happening at SPS each month! We hope to meet you at an event soon.

Here's the TL;DR

  • Trainee Case Conference on Tuesday, 2/11 at 6:15 PM
  • Early Career Case Conference needs more sign ups to start this month!
  • Wine & Cheese, and Foucault on Friday, 2/28 at 6:00 PM

πŸ‘‡ Keep reading to learn more about what we're doing at SPS in February!

Tuesday, 2/11 | Trainee Conference

We are happy to continue our interdisciplinary psychoanalytic case conference open to all trainees in mental health in the Sacramento area. This case conference takes place at Dr. Thor Cornelius' office every second Tuesday of the month at 6:15 PM. Trainees at all years of graduate programs are welcome to attend.

The case conference will be discussion-based and focused on thinking together from primarily modern psychoanalytic perspectives (though additional perspectives are welcome). If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please email Drs. Cornelius and Fattig so that we can briefly discuss the case with you and help you to prepare (i.e. providing guidance to be sure the case material is adequately anonymized prior to the presentation, etc).

Tuesday, 2/25 | Early Career Case Conference

Last call for sign ups! ECCC aims to start on Tuesday, February 25th, but we need 3 more sign ups for this conference to launch!

Do you know a therapist with an associates license or less than 5 years in licensure? This conference will involve three group members having the opportunity to present a case over three sessions, allowing participants to experientially discover how their unique reverie (individual thoughts, bodily sensations, and emotions) can provide the group with working transferential material to better understand how psychoanalytic process unfolds. The continuity of working in a group over a number of weeks offers members time to develop their capacity to think and expand their clinical abilities.

This conference's facilitators include three SPS board members:
Orion Rozsa, LMFT
Kelsey Stager, LMFT
Jen Vera, LMFT

Friday, 2/28 | Wine & Cheese, and Foucault

Join us on Friday, February 28th at 6:00 PM for an evening of wine, cheese, and a talk about Michel Foucault from one of our board members, Matthew Stanley.

​The French historian and theorist Michel Foucault criticized psychoanalysis as an unwitting tool of the contemporary operation of power, a model of power he called "biopower." This talk will introduce listeners to Foucault's theory about power's transformation from "the right of death" to "the power over life," and the ramifications this shift has for how we understand speech, identity, and freedom today. Foucault's work challenges us to think about how the injunction to speak about and "liberate" our desire can serve as an internal tool of power today.

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The Sacramento Psychoanalytic Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization led and supported entirely by volunteers who are dedicated to the promotion of psychoanalysis within the greater Sacramento region. 

We pursue our mission through organizing educational programs, reading groups, monthly presentations, case conferences, networking events, and hosting speakers of interest for the community of Sacramento – all are welcome to get involved!